Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Wonderful World of Teen Television

I just finished reading an article (7 pages!) about the importance of Gossip Girl, the CW's low-rated, buzzworthy show about bitchy/troubled NY kids, their bitchy/troubled parents and the omniscient titular blogger who covers their pitfalls and successes.

Process that for a moment: 7 pages...

Most people would think that that's more than a little excessive. 7 pages in New York Magazine about a teen show with a bunch of nobdy actors? Before we break out the OMFG (to quote the show's recent racy ad campaign), let's be honest with ourselves: even if you think the show is absolute shit, it doesn't mean that it doesn't have mondo cultural importance.

For one the show is literally redefining the way television is monitored. Neilson can't get a fix on it at all (typical episodes come in at a truly pathetic 2.5 million, or half the numbers of the O.C. in its final low-rated season). The reason that the show is considered a success - and it is (consider the fact it was picked up for a second season three episodes out of the gate) - is because it doubles its viewing audience when online factors such as iTunes and live streaming is factored in. DOUBLES! That's absolutely crazy - even Lost doesn't do that (the highest online shows usually up their viewing audience by around 12-20%, not 50).

Beyond that people need to look beyond the whole "teen show" stigma. Get over yourselves people! We were the generation of 90210, Dawson's Creek and Buffy! Even if you didn't like these shows, you can't deny their importance in the cultural spectrum (so much so that 90210 is coming back next year...on the CW).

It aggravates me so much when people don't give "low" genres - like teen shows - a fair shot. Everything is valid. I'd readily admit that I hate Two and a Half Men, but I don't deny that it has a place on television as the highest rated sitcom (somebody's gotta be watching that piece of shit!).

So the next time someone talks about Gossip Girl or any other 'low' form of entertainment, be sure to put them in their place and ask them to stop being such a hater! Lord knows Gossip Girl would...and she'd put it up on her site for all to see...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GG is one of my favourite shows on the air right now. I was thrilled by Monday night's return (although when is it going to be back on CTV? Monday's episode on "The CW" was plagued with sound problems (the dialogue kept cutting out, but not the music or background noises) and I got so fed up that halfway through I switched to HIMYM (which I had planned to watch at 11:30 from the west coast). Please CTV, don't let that happen again! Bring back Gossip Girl NOW!!!
