Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Film Me...Disappointed: Quarantine Trailer

I'm not gonna lie: it's been a rough go for horror movies of late. There have been some absolutely awful scary movies released in 2008 (I'm looking at you Prom Night), so imagine my disappointment when I see the suckage that is the new trailer for Quarantine (check it out here). The film is a (what else?) American adaptation of the much heralded Spanish horror film which caused quite the stir when it played the festival circuit recently.

Sure some will obviously check out the trailer and exclaim "WTF...another Zombie movie?!" but I happen to like the lurkers and the creepers (better than those long haired, little asian brats who hang around technology). I guess I just had high hopes for an exciting, interesting horror film in the wake of something like Prom Night taking the box office crown with $22 million as The Ruins slips off to be discovered on DVD. Where's the quality, people? And why won't gorehounds be a bit more discerning in their choice of flesh?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok so zombies are cool all the time, but all horror movies do now is parody each other. there's nothing original lately it's kind of sad :( Although Sweeney Todd was quite amazing :)